Real-time applications and issuance!

iGUARANTEE™ offers a robust and straightforward workflow process where powers can be easily transferred to Agencies/Agents, while also, managing and minimizing risk exposure.

Grab Market Share

In the race for the customer in today's lowest price wins marketplace, you and your Agents require the latest and best bail bonds industry-based technology to stay ahead of the competition to win the long game of increasing market share.

Increase Sales

Our advanced technology and toolsets reduce errors and all the hours of manually rekeying data and making reports, so your Agents are available to Sell, when and how they do best—not tied running reports nor data entry.

Increase Profit Margins

Internally, and down the supply chain, you will be working faster and more efficiently and requiring less time to do the necessary tasks and reports as they are all automated now and all available at-a-glance on your Dashboard.

Create Loyalty

Less manual work, higher productivity means employee and Agent loyalty so they can now focus on making more sales, and in the end, everyone stays with a team that is happy and makes more sales!